Anime/Manga Synopses of Ranma 1/2, pt. 2

TV series||OAV series||Anything Goes Martial Arts series||Movies||
Hard Battle series||Outta Control||Manga

Ranma Movie III Cast Pic

Ranma 1/2 OAV Series

Akane and Her Sisters||
An Akane to Remember||
Desperately Seeking Shampoo||
Faster, Kasumi! Kill! Kill!||Like Water For Ranma||One Grew Over the Kuno's Nest

Akane and Her Sisters:
The One To Carry On, Part I and II: Two orphans, Kurumi and Natsume, wander onto the Tendos' doorstep. They claim to be searching for their long lost father...and when Soun supposedly turns out to be that illegitimate father, Kurumi and Natsume are in conflict with Akane and Ranma on who should carry on the Tendo dojo. Ranma-chan and Akane had better find out a way to counter the sisters deadly "Dragon Spiral" attack, before they lose the Tendo dojo for good! Two-part episode.

An Akane to Remember:
Reawakening Memories, Part I: A television program about the mysterious region of Ryugenzawa brings a long buried memory of Akane's to the surface. A long time ago in the forests of Ryugenzawa, Akane was saved by a strange boy who fended off one of the large monsters native to the region. Now Akane has gone off alone in search of the boy Shinnosuke, and when she finds him, she has an opportunity to return the favor. Unbeknowest to the forgetful Shinnosuke, he has been dying from his wounds from long ago, and only the mysterious Water of Life given to him by his grandfather has been keeping him alive. Akane must stay to find a cure of him before the spring dries up completely. Things get even more complicated when Shinnosuke declares his love for Akane, and even moreso when Ranma shows up to take her home. Now a confused Akane is torn between risking telling Ranma the truth and alarming Shinnosuke to his peril, or keeping silent and losing Ranma forever....
Reawakening Memories, Part II: A short skirmish between Ranma and the injury-prone Shinnosuke leaves the forgetful boy wounded and dying. With the spring dries up, Akane must seek out the eight headed Orochi and its healing moss to help Shinnosuke. She can't do it alone, however, and Ranma, Shinnosuke's grandfather, Shinnosuke, and Ryouga (who just happened to be lost in Ryugenzawa) have to help her, even if it means dressing up as girls to get the Orochi's attention. Ranma has to make a decision on whether to use his curse to help Akane, before Akane is devoured by the massive beast....

Desperately Seeking Shampoo:
Shampoo's Sudden Switch! The Curse of the Contrary Jewel!: Out of the collection of treasures that Shampoo's great-grandmother Cologne tells Shampoo to pick from, Shampoo happens to choose a jewel that influences the wearer's emotions depending on how it's worn. Now Ranma has to figure out why Shampoo has become suddenly so cold to him. Unbeknowest to Ranma, however, Cologne has plans of her own in store for her "future son-in-law" concerning the "Reversal Jewel".
Tendo Family Christmas Scramble: It's the Ranma 1/2 Christmas special! Kasumi is told in a dream by a certain jolly old man in a red suit to have a Christmas Party. Just about anything can happen at _this_ party, however, especially when the whole cast of the series, plus a lot more, show up at the Tendos doorstep.

Faster, Kasumi! Kill! Kill!:
Hell Hath No Fury Like Kasumi Scorned!: A Japanese priest enlists the aid of Ranma, Genma, and Soun to help re-seal an emerging oni, or demon, before it comes out and possesses people. Unfortunately, because of a certain old pervert's accidental intervention, the oni is loose and is mischeviously turning whoever it possesses to evil impulses. It's bad enough that the oni possesses Genma, then Kunou, and then Ryouga, but when the demon possesses the innocent Kasumi Tendo, things really start to get difficult...
The Two Akanes! Ranma, Look At Me!!: The Tendos and the Saotomes, along with Ukyou and Shampoo, take a relaxing vacation up in a faraway inn. However, it gets far from a vacation for Akane when the inn's doll, reputed to be cursed and vengeful, switches bodies with Akane. Now Akane-doll must warn Ranma about the "evil" Akane before she gets her revenge on him. It's going to be tough on Akane, though, if she can't even talk...

Like Water for Ranma:
Akane vs. Ranma! I'll Be The One To Inherit Mother's Recipes!: Who should happen to show up but Ranma's own mother, Nodoka, a woman with a sweet and nice personality that hides the samurai warrior beneath. And right on time too, as Kasumi is suddenly struck ill, and to Soun, Genma, and Ranma's horror, only Akane is left to do the cooking. A frantic "Ran-ko" (Ranma's disguise as a girl when his mother shows up) must try to stop Akane from accidentally hurting his mother with her cooking.
Stormy Weather Comes To School! Growing Up With Miss Hinako!: Hinako Ninomiya is introduced as Furinkan's newest teacher, and though she may look like a child at first, she hides a deadly power in her body. And when Hinako decides to "discipline" Ranma for stealing a five yen piece from her, Ranma must find a way to end her energy-draining days for good before he receives a lesson he won't ever forget!

One Grew Over the Kuno's Nest:
Team Ranma vs. The Legendary Phoenix: (NOTE:First part is actually Ranma 1/2 movie III, a special 30-minute feature released in the theatres..)Kuno buys a phoenix egg from a merchant that supposedly grants invincibility to the bearer. Unfortunately when the egg hatches, that's not all it brings....the bird's "imprinting" ability causes it to attack whoever it sees first, and Ranma's the target! "Team Ranma" had better make the bird fly the coop (and off of Kunou's head) before it destroys the entire city...
Oh, Cursed Tunnel of Lost Love! Let My Love Be Forever!: Ukyo and Shampoo team up to try and break Ranma and Akane up by taking them and everyone else to a haunted tunnel reputed to break up the couples that walk into it. All they have to do is to make sure that Ranma and Akane walk out of it together. Ukyou gets the additional help of Ryouga, just in case, but as they're going to find out, even the best-laid plans don't go as they're supposed to...

To Ranma 1/2 Anime Synopses, Part Three

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on March 1, 1998